Fellowship Bible Study

LEADER: Erin Olson
WHO: All
DAY: TBD (Based on group)
WHERE: Multiple fun running locations
CHILDCARE: Children are welcome to join
STUDY: Fellowship Group
This group is focused on growing a community around a shared love of running and meeting goals. It's ok if you're new to running, we will meet you where you're at. The group will be tracked through Straya; https://www.strava.com/clubs/1343697
WHO: All
DAY: TBD (Based on group)
WHERE: Multiple fun running locations
CHILDCARE: Children are welcome to join
STUDY: Fellowship Group
This group is focused on growing a community around a shared love of running and meeting goals. It's ok if you're new to running, we will meet you where you're at. The group will be tracked through Straya; https://www.strava.com/clubs/1343697